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Fotografia e Artes
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Todas as imagens que ilustram os artigos foram cedidas
Divulgação de Fotografias Profissionais e Fotografias Artísticas.
Artigos sobre Fotografia e Artes Visuais, Edição de Fotografias, Qualidade de Fotos em 4k, Cursos de Fotografia e muito mais.
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Repetition and Redundancy in Photography: The Rhythm and Overflow of the Gaze
In the Plenitude of Nothing: Contemplation of the Invisible in Photography and Visual Arts
The Last Act: Absence, Loneliness and Death in Photography and the Arts
From Now to Forever: A Dissection of Time in Photography
Readymade: The Unusual As An Artistic Manifesto
Sunset Photos: Bridge or Destiny?
Birds in Flight: Clicks of Impermanence
The Punctum: a Subterfuge of the Invisible
More than Megapixels: Understanding Photographic Identity
The Evidence and Subtleties of Photography Through Glass
The Unsettling Symbology of Smoke in Photography: Between the Ephemeral and the Eternal
Heaven in Photography: A Look at Infinity
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